
Exposure To Toxins In Your Daily Life

These days it’s pretty unavoidable to be exposed to an ever-increasing array and quantity of toxins. The average person uses about nine personal hygiene products, per day and never even thinks twice about them. Like your shampoo, conditioner, toothpast, deodorant, sun screen, bug sprays, lotions, creams, cologne or perfume, and lots of other cosmetics. Let’s just say you use seven products. That equals over a hundred unique chemicals you’re exposed to daily. And the bad news is, few of these ingredients are proven safe for human health. Among others chemicals, heavy metals, food additives, anesthetics and drugs — from caffeine to recreational drugs. When our body is exposed to toxins, our cells and tissues consume them, excrete or store them in various tissues and cells in the body. These toxins can damage the cells, tissues and organs they inhabit and alter their function, lower metabolism, cause enzyme dysfunction, create nutritional deficiencies, cause hormone imbalances, decrease energy production and ultimately lower your body’s ability to defend against disease….

Detox & Detoxification

The key thing to remember is when it comes to detoxification and cleansing is helping our bodies to do it job. Our bodies detoxify daily. In fact, every minute of the day your body is working on filtering out toxins, bacteria, viruses and other metabolites we don’t need. Although various detox organs and systems are involved including our lungs, kidneys, skin, GI system and lymphatic system, there is one organ that does most of the weighty lifting, you guessed it, our LIVERS. Which happens to be responsible for more than five hundred vital functions….

Cupping involves the use of vacuum-suctioned glass cups on the body to bring circulation to the area, detoxify the skin, break up fascial adhesions, and relax tight muscles. In ancient times, tribes utilized animal horns, bamboo, bones, nuts, seashells and gourds as suction devices to purge bites, infections and skin lesions from the body.

the key thing to remember is when it comes to detoxification and cleansing is helping our bodies to do it job, fruit more austin

Why Do I Care

Well just for starters, because our body toxicity levels can mess up with your hormones, your fat metabolism and how much weight loss you can gain or loss. In fact, scientists from the National Institute of Health, says that between 35% and 65% of the size and total number of your fat cells are caused by toxic chemicals we possess…

To be honest, detox is important for even the healthiest, if you struggle with fatigue, headaches, inability to lose weight, skin issues food cravings, body odor or troubling focusing it’s probably a sign your body needs a little help detoxing. Not only will detoxing help eradicate these symptoms, but it can also help to prevent issues such as autoimmune diseases, fertility problems, allergies and hormone issues, which are often a direct result of the
toxicity levels in the body….

Assessing Your Body’s Toxicity

We use a range of methods like your complete medical history, lab tests and mussel testing that will quickly help us determine toxin levels and other issues to find out if you require detoxification. We ask crazy questions like how are your allergies, are they getting worst, the onset of additional allergies, joint pain, headaches, skin lesions, sinus congestion, brain fog, insomnia, constipation, low energy levels, fatigue, weight gain, abnormal smelling body odor, ulcers and hemorrhoids or even looking at parasitic infections.

Treatments And Solutions

the key thing to remember is when it comes to detoxification and cleansing it’s our goal to help your body to do its job better, health nutrition1

The key thing to remember is when it comes to detoxification and cleansing it’s our goal to help your body to do its job better. Our bodies detoxify daily. In fact, every hour your body is working on filtering out toxins, bacteria, viruses and other metabolites that we don’t need. There are various detox organs and systems involved in this including our GI system, lungs, kidneys, skin and lymphatic system, there is one major organ that does most of the heavy lifting, our LIVERS. And happens to be in charge for more than 540 vital functions.

So first, the goal is clean your body of the toxin(s) so it can do a better job of keeping you healthy. The time it takes your body to detoxify will depend greatly on your overall current health, including illnesses you may have and the amount of toxic buildup we have to get ride of. 

The detoxification pathways through your liver, kidney, colon and skin will need be opened as much as possible via herbs, homeopathics and lymphatic drainage. Our 360 Detoxification Program will dramatically improve and lessen the stress on your system. Drug users, alcoholics, diabetics and people who have hypothyroidism, are hypoglycemic or who have certain types of cancer we will need to be more cautious and the process will be slower. Please, tell if you have any conditions before undergoing a detoxification process.

Helping The Body Detoxify

The many ways to detoxify include:

absence of menstrual cycles, list2  Chinese Herbs
absence of menstrual cycles, list2  Fasting & Intermittent Fasting

absence of menstrual cycles, list2  Ozone & Infrared Saunas Baths

absence of menstrual cycles, list2  Nutritional Deficiencies & Modifications
absence of menstrual cycles, list2  360 Detox Cleansing
absence of menstrual cycles, list2  Lymphatic Drainage

absence of menstrual cycles, list2  Liver, Gallbladder & Kidney Drainage

absence of menstrual cycles, list2  Colon Hydrotherapy – Coffee Enema

Who Benefits From Detoxification?

Detoxifying the body benefits virtually everyone and in our opinion is essential for anyone seeking optimum health. As nutritionists, we have a passion for helping you understand and use real foods and create realistic changes into your life by incorporating good organic nutrition for good health and wellness. Especially for people suffering from chronic illnesses or who have been exposed to high levels of certain toxins via their job, lifestyle or health care treatments. Just a thought since toxins are everywhere, you may be exposed to more than you probably think….


A good holistic detox body-cleanse program helps you remove toxins from the body so you can function at optimal health….


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