Hi! I’m Dr. Jasmine

It’s so nice to meet you – welcome to 360, and thanks for visiting our website! For over 6 years now, we have been one of Austin’s Top advanced Acupuncture and Functional Health Clinics. Our #1 goal is and has always been – to help you “Take Back Your Health.” My staff and I have treated thousands of complex and challenging issues over the last decade. Chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, eczema, heavy metal toxicity, mold exposure, autism, Epstein Barr virus, Lyme disease, viral infections, heart palpitations, thyroid issues, long COVID, brain fog, cancer, restless leg syndrome (RLS), menstrual problems, toxic vaccine issues, etc. Not to mention the usual routine stuff like gut issues, lower back and neck pain issues, air and food allergies, fertility & infertility issues, stress, anxiety & depression, migraines, sleep problems, and various other women’s health issues.

At 360, we don’t practice “band-aid” medicine and try to “cover-up” symptoms with prescription drugs or surgery. Instead, we’re going to get to the bottom of your issue, and then we’re going to fix it! Our specialties include integrative Functional Medicine, advanced Chinese Acupuncture, custom hand-crafted herds and various detoxes, hand selected nutritional supplements, ozone and red-light therapy, and Acoustic Vibration & Frequency Healing.

Hi! I’m Dr. Jasmine

It’s so nice to meet you – welcome to 360, and thanks for visiting our website! For over 6 years now, we have been one of Austin’s Top advanced Acupuncture and Functional Health Clinics. Our #1 goal is and has always been – to help you “Take Back Your Health.” My staff and I have treated thousands of complex and challenging issues over the last decade. Chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, eczema, heavy metal toxicity, mold exposure, autism, Epstein Barr virus, Lyme disease, viral infections, heart palpitations, thyroid issues, long COVID, brain fog, cancer, restless leg syndrome (RLS), menstrual problems, toxic vaccine issues, etc. Not to mention the usual routine stuff like gut issues, lower back and neck pain issues, air and food allergies, fertility & infertility issues, stress, anxiety & depression, migraines, sleep problems, and various other women’s health issues.

At 360, we don’t practice “band-aid” medicine and try to “cover-up” symptoms with prescription drugs or surgery. Instead, we’re going to get to the bottom of your issue, and then we’re going to fix it! Our specialties include integrative Functional Medicine, advanced Chinese Acupuncture, custom hand-crafted herds and various detoxes, hand selected nutritional supplements, ozone and red-light therapy, and Acoustic Vibration & Frequency Healing.

So Why Are You Here?

Odds are, you have been to multiple doctors and spent lots of money, but still not any better and still looking for answers. You did lots of testing, but they tell you your labs all look “NORMAL,” and the MRI shows nothing wrong, but you still feel sick or have pain that won’t go away.

Perhaps you’ve been trying to lose weight, but nothing seems to work, all you ever get from them is the Pharma pill merry-go-round. Unfortunately, that has likely added a few more bad side effects to your Health along the way, and you know you need to get healthier but you don’t know where to start.

Well, you’re at the RIGHT place. The truth is that you can’t treat people with synthetic drugs that Big Pharma gets rich on and actually expect long-term positive results. Let me say! I know lots of well-meaning doctors – but let’s be honest, it’s far easier/more profitable to prescribe you pills/drugs and send you on your way than to give you genuine hands-on treatments for an hour or more. You are lucky to get 5 minutes with a Western doctor these days, much less listen to what you have to say! At 360 we really listen! WHY, because it’s critical, we need to hear what you have to say.

Why Are We Different?

Honestly, its not rocket science, we just understand the things plaguing and harming your body: bacteria, viruses, parasites, chemicals, toxins, and yes Big Pharma pills/meds that you shouldn’t be taking.

Next, your body is missing KEY things that it needs to heal, like nutrients, minerals, sleep, vitamins, and definitely a healthy gut.

Third, emotional energy balance is critical! Emotional trauma is stagnated energy, and when emotions are congested, they cause stress, anxiety, depression, slow blood circulation, create inflammation and negative energy.

Well, it’s difficult for the body to heal itself with all that junk. That’s why we are adamant about helping you adopt our 8 KEYS to Optimal Health. 60% of our patients use us as the primary doctor and general practitioner, because we understand and practice the “Keys to Optimal Health,” like good sleep, less stress, body detoxification, essential nutrition, and gut optimization, and how they will change your life.

Good Health is not a quick fix. It’s a process. It takes work and an ENGAGED patient, or it won’t succeed. Issues like poor digestion, immune system dysfunction, inflammation, high blood pressure, diabetes, skin issues, and even weight problems. All of these have underlying long-term issues. I could tell you that I’m extraordinarily smart with all kinds of Doctorate and Ph.D. degrees, but the truth is your body’s immune system is the real Ph.D doctor.

We have just learned what your body needs and how to push the right buttons to speed up and jump start the healing process! Yes, we do Chinese Acupuncture; believe me, it’s very powerful, but at 360, we do much much more. We have an exceptional reputation for helping our clients return to healthy and happy lives because we go the extra mile. In addition, we genuinely desire to share our knowledge of healing with you so that YOU can take control of your own Health and take back your life.

Why Should You Call Us?

To start with we feel very blessed that you are even considering us as a possible partner to assist you with your Health. That’s not something you should take lightly, and neither do we. That’s why, we are very selective when taking on new clients as well. Unfortunately, we are just not big enough to help everyone, and we don’t want to lose what we call our” Secret Family.” My co-workers and I love working with people we enjoy being with and who are willing to be engaged in their health journey. This has helped contribute to our unique work environment and has played a significant role in our outstanding results and success. We have amazing REVIEWS thanks to our incredible clients who believe in what we do so much that they bring us their friends, family, and pets!

Please call us and if we can genuinely help you and you’re a good fit, we would love to add you to our “Secret Family & Friends” get and stay well clinic. In the meantime,

Stay Healthy, Stay Strong & Always Love!
Dr. Jasmine & Our Whole Team

Ranked in the Top 3 Acupuncturist in Austin TX

Video Testimonial from Real Patients

5 STAR Rating for 10 yrs

Cupping Therapy

Cupping is one of the oldest treatments used in Chinese medicine. Today, it still provides benefits of increased blood flow, improving energy, relaxing muscles, helping reduce inflammation, pain & toxins, and promoting healing.

Chinese Herbal Medicine

We use over 3,000 medical herbs and spices with over 10,000 formulas passed down through generations – find out more about how Chinese Herbal remedies and Acupuncture are customized just for your body and your unique illnesses!

Fertility Acupuncture

One of our specialties is integrative reproductive medicine, including fertility, pregnancy, and women’s wellness care. Acupuncture can be used alone or in conjunction with IUI or IVF, to improve fertility and increase the chance of a successful pregnancy.


Work with us to uncover root cause of your chronic health issue and let

us create a personalized solution for you using functional and lifestyle


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