Anti-Aging & Longevity

Anti-aging has become a multi-billion dollar industry. But, up to 75 percent of treatments, potions and lotions that are being sold don’t provide any real results. However, by eating right, getting plenty of sleep, and some exercise is helpful, it’s just not quite good enough. You need to optimize your body with simple, yet potent protocols that produce extraordinary health and wellness results. Once your able to implement these strategies you will quickly come to the conclusion that growing old, looking old and feeling old is NOT predestined…

What Doctors Won’t Tell You:

Reduce inflammation, is the #1 cause of aging

Naturally boosting your body’s production of Human Growth Hormone will reverse aging

By oxygenating your blood, will create glowing skin

 Quality food and nutritional supplements are key factors

Food provides the vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber that the body needs to build our body foundations like bones and teeth, create substances like hemoglobin and hormones and aid processes like digestion and homeostasis. Our DNA tells our bodies that an inactive lifestyle, diets low in nutrition, and unsettled stress will open up the gates to inflammation, free radicals, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity and all of the ills of aging. The food we eat can’t reverse all of this alone. However, nutritional support, good quality sleep and less stress can give us a strong foundation to age more gracefully and healthier.


Scientists have known this for over 60 years that one of the best ways to extend life is to have health nutritional habits. Mice that were tested live up to 40 percent longer than normal mice.”

The Fountain Of Youth

Beauty begins from within, the ultimate secret to maintaining a youthful appearance is more fundamental and pragmatic than most may realize. First, eat smart…

“The number-one ingredient that I avoid in my diet is processed sugar. The reason is it speeds up the aging process dramatically, because it binds to and ultimately weakens the collagen in our skin, which can lead to premature wrinkles and sagging. I eat lots of vegetables and fruits every day – and I steer clear of sodas at all costs!” – Dr Jasmine Mansell

Second, get good quality sleep! It should come as no surprise that a good night’s sleep – every night – will keep you looking young and re-energized.

Third, Exercise! One of the most important things you can do for your health at any age is to be physically active. Physical movement keeps your body strong. Those who stay active are less likely to get depressed. Physical activity can be everything from walking to gardening to working out at the gym. The essential thing is to be active practically every day. It’s not always easy to adopt a regular exercise routine, but it’s necessary for maintaining a youthful appearance, helping you sleeping better at night, giving you more energy and helping you live longer, happier and healthier…

Nutrition And Skin Aging

The link between nutrition and skin condition or rather the effect of nutrition on skin aging has been a field not only for scientists, but for humans throughout the history, from ancient times to the twenty-first century. Skin aging consists of two key and distinct processes. First is intrinsic skin aging, which represents chronological aging and affects our skin the same way it affects all internal organs. The second is extrinsic skin aging, were are aged skin is the result of external factors and environmental influences, such as chronic sun exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light, but also smoking, pollution, sleep deficiency and deficient nutrition…

Our Overall Approach To Anti-Aging

We use a personalized approach to anti-aging and longevity. We understand that every person is different biochemically, physiologically, and psychologically. Any successful treatment plan must take into account like the unique biochemistry of each individual patient in order to offer the best natural remedies that will enable your body to regulate, recover, and be rejuvenated more quickly when life’s stresses and traumas occur. Most importantly, being proactive to stop imbalances before, they become chronic pain or diseases. Your goals are unique, but common to the extent that most people want to remain active, vital, and strong in order to enjoy life at every age. We believe we can help you do that….



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