Couple Of Quick Important Facts
“Just over 92% of Americans are deficient in two or more vitamins.” That doesn’t count the minerals, amnio’s or probiotics that you need for optimal health. – American College of Nutrition
50-70 million US adults have a sleep disorder and costs the United States over $411 Billion Annually, – Fortune Magazine
“37% of Americans don’t get enough vitamin C, 70% not enough vitamin E, almost 75% don’t get enough zinc, and 40% don’t get enough iron.” – USDA Survey Report
“Stress” has been dubbed the “Health Epidemic of the 21st Century” and is estimated to cost American businesses up to $300 billion a year. – World Health Organization
“More than 30 million people in the United States have diabetes, and 1 in 4 of them don’t know they have it and 84 million have pre-diabetes, and 90% of them don’t know they have it.” It’ the 7th leading cause of death (and probably greatly un-derreported). – CDC
That means 92% of us receive less than the MINIMUM amount necessary to prevent deficiency diseases and 99.7% of us don’t have enough of the basic nutrients to build optimal anti-aging health or even give ourselves a metabolic tune up! The foods you and I eat no longer hold the nutrient values we need for our optimal health. Food crops are grown in soil where nutrients have been almost completely depleted. 90% of our vegetables and fruits we eat are treated with pesticides and other chemicals, which further diminishes their nutrient levels and their phytonutrient content.
Our meat and chicken supply are locked up in pens or giant feedlots instead of roaming free eating the nutrient-rich wild grains and grasses they once devoured. And did you know that cow’s stomachs are created to eat grass – not corn? That’s why they feed them antibiotics to prevent them from exploding. Making things yet worse, all of us are exposed to hundreds of hazardous toxins and chemicals each week that can poison our bodies, add to that the stress, poor sleep, and little to NO exercise, and now add the nutritional demands on our bodies. Those with chronic illnesses are in even worse shape!
Identifying Nutritional Problems
Our clients often assume that if they are eating a healthy diet, they’re okay, so what is causing their chronic issues. Most of the time, it’s always linked to some form of nutrition deficiency. Furthermore, what is healthy for one person may cause problems for another. For example, you could have a healthy diet but still suffer from a magnesium deficiency that causes muscle pain, migraines, fatigue, or a sleep disorder.

Likewise, un-diagnosed Celiac disorder, otherwise known as gluten intolerance, can head to arthritis, digestive problems, anemia, and depression. Some patients have leaky gut issues or genetic weaknesses that prevent them from properly absorbing nutrients. Specific food allergies can form or contribute to numerous pain issues, including headaches, arthritis flare-ups, muscular pain, and inflammation in our bodies.
It’s essential to understand the function that nutrition deficiencies play in promoting certain medical conditions.
Nutritional Screening
Food Sensitivity/Allergy Testing – can reveal certain foods or other environmental elements that have created medical problems.
Diet Assessment – tells us a lot about your lifestyle and foods to which you are regularly exposed.
Magnesium-Level Testing – helps us understand whether your nervous, gastrointestinal and cardiovascular systems are functioning properly.
Vitamin D-Level Testing will reveal important information about the health of your digestive, skeletal, immune system and other bodily functions.
Comprehensive Stool Analysis – will help us identify any abnormalities in the body’s gastrointestinal functioning.
Detoxification Profile – will show if you have toxins in your body that could be damaging your biochemical or neurological systems.
Advanced Risk Analysis – can help us measure other risks that might be affecting your cardiovascular system, such as your lipid fractions.
Heavy Metal Testing this shows us any metallic toxins that are in your body that could be damaging our central nervous system or other vital organs. Kids are especially vulnerable to heavy metals and it has been documented by Newsweek just this month that toxic amounts are being found in baby food. This exposure has also been linked to autism in children.
What’s The “RIGHT” Eating & Nutritional Plan For You?
No two people are alike and everyone’s protein, calorie and mineral needs vary. So how do you know you need? Not Sally or Joe! Many people think that “body type” just describes the way someone looks. Fact is your body type also provides us information about how you will respond to food intake and about your hormonal and sympathetic nervous system characteristics. Physique characteristics can also be linked to your metabolic differences. Once we establish your body type, we can then adjust nutrient intake to maximize your body composition and health related goals.
Stop wasting time and money on a programs and vitamins that don’t work. Let us show you exactly how to achieve a long-term health and wellness strategy.
Nutrition / Nutritional Coaching
Proper nutrition is unquestionably essential to ensure a well-functioning brain to help complete the biologic repairs needed all over your bodies, every day.
360 will help you establish an optimal baseline for your health and nutritional goals. The fact is that many of us don’t know what proper nutrition is for our particular body or blood type.
With our nutritional experts’ guidance, our patients can undergo a series of simple testing and some appropriate life changes necessary to set you on track to optimal health and wellness.
Our Nutritional Coach & Therapist Will Walk You Through
Your Health & Blood Work Analysis
An Individualized Custom Nutritional Supplement Plan
Review of Food Allergies, Gut Analysis, Hormone Balancing Levels and Lifestyle Issues
Food Choices, Preparation, Menus and Shopping Ideas
Optimal Sleep and Stress Techniques & Strategies
Optimal Fitness Plans, Techniques & Strategies

Our Nutritional Coaching And Counselling Basics
Since every moment of our lives affects our health — whether positively or negatively — knowing what decisions to make to improve our overall health & well-being is worth knowing.
Lifestyle “basics” which everyone can benefit:
Drinking the right water
Drinking plenty of water and keeping ample hydration
Avoiding as many toxins in the environment as possible
Eating quality, nutritious foods and pure supplements
Getting proper amounts of exercise, sunlight and sleep
Applying solutions to eliminate emotional stress factors, allergies & other sensitivities
Optimizing balance in your daily lives
Specialized Cholesterol Profile – measurements of cholesterol, HDL (“good cholesterol”), LDL (“bad cholesterol”), and triglycerides (neutral fats).
These are but a few of the lifestyle areas that are a part of the education that our nutritional plan provides…
Effective Ways To Deal With Stress
Herbal remedies and meditation techniques can play an important part in the treatment of many conditions, and may provide safer alternatives to many pharmaceutical treatments….
Stress reduction is hugely important in preventing or helping eliminate many health problems, from minor ones to the most catastrophic, and from physical to mental illnesses. Stress also can lead to poor dietary choices…
Our Stress Relief Program Includes
Avoiding Bad Sugars – Sugars are a serious stressor to your immune and hormonal systems. I know its hard to believe but, reducing or eliminating sugar intake is one of the fastest and easiest ways to lower your stress levels…

Taking Nutritional & Mineral Supplements – In a perfect world, no one would need supplements. But given the increased stress of our current lifestyles, the poor quality of today’s food supply and the high load of toxins on our brains. We need a daily supply of the raw materials for all our enzymes and biochemistry, just to keep our bodies healthy. Without the proper nutrients and minerals, our bodies cannot rebuild, repair or optimize our immune system to fight off diseases or organ failures.
Exercising – While running and jogging can be greatly beneficial for some people, these activities can put more stress on other bodies. So more gentle exercise like swimming, walking, jumping on a trampoline or walking a couple miles a day is really all we need. The key is movement happening everyday and we all need to determine which activities are most appropriate for our health and perform them regularly.
Spiritual Practice – Many people of all faiths throughout the world get comfort and stress relief from prayer and meditation. Practicing just a few minutes each day can help you focus less on the unimportant things and help eliminate stress.
Hobbies – Pleasurable pastimes are huge in reducing stress. In fact, being engaged in virtually any healthful or relaxing activity helps decrease stress in big ways.
Do you jump from diet to diet without results?

Are you looking for support and accountability?
Do you have trouble keeping weight off that you worked so hard to lose?
Are you eating right and getting the right amount of sleep?
Flooded with conflicting information about what you should and shouldn’t eat?

Immune System Enhancement
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