
Digestive Disorders & Gastrointestinal Diseases

If you frequently experience discomfort due to your GI function (such as constipation, diarrhea, bloating, excess gas, spastic colitis), acupuncture and Oriental Medicine can offer you relief. Most people suffer from these or other digestive disorders from time to time. When digestive symptoms become frequent, there may be a bigger issue that needs to be resolved. The most common digestive problems include acid reflex or, heartburn, intestinal bacterial imbalance, leaky gut and irritable bowel syndrome. Other disorders include Crohn’s disease, SIBO, colitis, stomach cancer, ulcers, diverticulitis, and colorectal cancer. Symptoms vary and can include nausea, stomach pain, cramps, vomiting, bloating, diarrhea, gas, constipation, and a change in your food desire. Causes can be widespread and can include poor dietary habits, antibiotic or drug use, emotional stress, hiatal hernia or toxin exposure.

if you frequently experience discomfort due to your gi function (such as constipation, diarrhea, bloating, excess gas, spastic colitis), acupuncture and oriental medicine can offer you relief, digestive issues

Acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, and nutritional therapy are treatments that are very effective in providing quick relief from issues, while addressing the underlying root cause of these conditions. At 360 Jasmine Acupuncture, we work with you to first identify and address (YES saying it again) the root cause of your problem so we can relieve your digestive symptoms more permanently. By treating the underlying imbalance and making dietary and lifestyle adjustments we can provide better lasting relief, and prevent recurrence of the issue in the future.

We focus on a variety of treatment options to improve your digestion. Acupuncture and massage therapy techniques can improve circulation and your body’s natural ability to convert food to energy. Herbal and nutritional supplements can provide nutrients and vitamins that your body may not metabolize properly in your diet. Additionally, our custom POSTbiotics and our Allergy Clearing Program can identify certain foods that may increase or decrease your symptoms.


How We Successfully Treat Digestive Disorders


At 360 Jasmine Acupuncture, we have successfully treated a large variety of digestive disorders and can also work collaboratively with your gastroenterologist and others on your healing team if necessary. We can treat heartburn by adjusting esophageal pressure, lowering gastric acid, and balancing the functions of the digestive organs, in addition to helping with the emotional stress that often burdens the digestive system and results in these uncomfortable disorders. Traditional over-the-counter antacid medications can alleviate the symptoms of heartburn and reflux, but they do not address the underlying issues in solving your problem.

Additionally, taking too many antacids can affect the body’s ability to absorb nutrients such as calcium, leading to malnutrition, fatigue, and irritability. Gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD), irritable bowel syndrome, chronic constipation and bloating are some of the many other digestive disorders that are successfully resolved through the use of Traditional Chinese Medicine without medications. We will assist you in identifying what may be going on in your body or your life that is causing or contributing to your digestive issues. Diet, allergies, being overweight, hormonal imbalance, stress, and toxins, these are all factors that will might be affecting your digestive health.


Why a Customized Treatment Program  –

 Chinese medicine is a holistic and personalized medicine. Each of our patient’s treatment plan, weather acupuncture protocol, herbal prescription, or a customized nutritional plan will be uniquely based on your individual symptoms, physical and emotional health, and other needs. The grounds and manifestations of digestive dysfunction are numerous, and our experienced approach each case with fresh eyes. There are many time-tested therapies available but until we know how your whole body is functioning or malfunctioning we can’t possibly know the best course of action for your unique body.

Instead of masking the problem, together we will get to the root cause, fix it, and find out how you can prevent it in the future. First, by using plant-based foods, simple lifestyle shifts like exercise and meditation, you’ll learn how to take control back of your life. That will result in easier weight loss. Reducing and even reversing symptoms of leaky gut, IBS, lower inflammation, improve your immune system, help prevent type 2 diabetes, and other digestive issues. Stopping issues and diseases before they start. 

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), diseases, symptoms and conditions for which, acupuncture has been proven during controlled clinical trials to be an effective treatment, include the following: 

absence of menstrual cycles, list2  Gastrokinetic Disturbance
absence of menstrual cycles, list2  Dysentery, Acute Bacillary
absence of menstrual cycles, list2  Nausea & Vomiting
absence of menstrual cycles, list2  Chronic Ulcerative Colitis


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