
Allergy Relief That Works!

What is an Allergy?

Allergies are modified electromagnetic energy that comes from an abnormal reaction to substances in our body or environment. We can either have a specific immune response called an allergic or other systemic reactions, which we call sensitivities. Allergies and sensitivities cause the body to over-react, and our bodies respond with what it believes is going into protective overdrive of the so-called harmful bacteria. This false response then results in placing further stress on the body’s immune system.
And that’s not all. Allergies and sensitivities can also stand in the way of healing and prevent the full absorption of vital nutrients required by our body’s to heal thoroughly. Many common health conditions can merely be symptoms of underlying allergies or sensitivities. Once discovered and treated, many symptoms may disappear.

What Causes These Over Responses to Allergens?

Several circumstances can create conditions of over-reactivity of our immune system to allergens. Over-reaction is commonly known as a
“hyperergic” state, which is likely caused by some kind of stress. Many of the stresses that have been recognized as causes of these issues include toxins like heavy metals like lead and mercury, residues of medications or even vaccinations, mold and fungus, petrochemicals, pesticides,


and other environmental toxins. The prevailing theory is that toxins such as these stress the immune system to become hypersensitive, causing the over re-activeness to various substances

It is as if our immune system is saying, “STOP, I just can’t deal with one more toxin!”
Wheat and dairy products are the most common foods to which people have allergic reactions in Western culture. Reasonably the immune system has likely had to kill the residue of over consumed food too often, and this is what is causing an over-sensitivity of our immune systems. Even just a small glass of milk for a person with a dairy allergy can cause the immune system to say the same thing, “What? Not again! – and it over-reacts in some way.
So, in short, the allergic reaction is essentially an inability of the immune system to respond to allergens’ presence in a balanced way due to some form of an autoimmune response. Whether from a physical presence or electromagnetic charges of toxins or the imprint of the electromagnetic amounts of allergens held in the body, the stress caused by these offending toxins or allergens need to be identified and handled or can lead to server autoimmune disease.

it is as if our immune system is saying, “stop, i just can’t deal with one more toxin!”

What is the Difference Between Allergies & Sensitivities?

the difference between an allergy and sensitivity has to do with your body’s responses

The difference between an allergy and sensitivity has to do with your body’s responses. When you have food allergies, your immune system causes a reaction, and if you have a food sensitivity or intolerance, the digestive system triggers the reactions. Therefore allergies cause irregular physical reactions to foods or other substances like toxins, such as hairspray fumes or pesticides. When exposed to these various allergens, you develop an excess of these antibodies called immunoglobulin E (IgE). These antibodies react with allergens and release histamines from your cell tissues, creating various allergic symptoms and reactions.

What is Advanced Allergy Elimination Treatment?

Advanced Allergy Elimination Treatment is a revolutionary treatment originating from Germany that combines specific acupuncture meridian points with electromagnetic frequency balancing. AAET helps rebalance the body’s over-reactivity to substances within the energy fields of our
immune system.
AAET methods are called by a few different names like BioSET™, Qi-5 Energetic Balancing, A/ SERT, Bioresonance therapy are all similar type techniques. AAET understands that all things, alive and dead, in our world have their own distinct electromagnetic frequency field, like a unique fingerprint. This is true for water, individual cells in our bodies, rocks, molds, different peanuts, pollens, a flowers, in short, everything has a unique frequency. These electromagnetic energy fields are connected with meridians (energy pathways) used in acupuncture and have been demonstrated with Kirlian photography. Even nuclear physicists can determine the types of atoms by their electromagnetic frequency. So our brain, using our energy system highway, interprets a particular substance like a dog, a wheat bagel, an avocado, peanuts, sun light, ragweed as potentially harmful to our body, and our body reacts.
For most people, these same items are completely harmless, but for some, their energy pathways stop-up as a way of defending the body against this so-posable toxic substance. Thus, blocking your energy meridians and causing health issues, if not treated, this condition continues, your body’s overall functioning suffers.

How Does Advanced Allergy Elimination Treatments Work?

AAET treatments stimulate critical brain action points along the meridian pathways, specific organs, or lobes of the brain with a Low-Level Light Laser. The allergen’s resonating frequency is transmitted through the Low-Level Light Laser, causing a chemical change to occur in the autonomic nervous system, neutralizing any allergic reaction to the substance. AAET basically reprograms the brain and the nervous system to re-educating the brain to stop reacting defensively to allergens and accepting them as safe substances. These sensitivities to allergens are then cleared one at a time, depending on your tolerance. One or more items can be removed on the same treatment day, depending on people’s sensitivity to other issues that could require additional treatments for maximum results.

How Do I Know If Advanced Allergy Elimination Treatments Will Help Me?

AAET treatments stimulate critical brain action points along the meridian pathways, specific organs, or lobes of the brain with a Low-Level Light Laser. The allergen’s resonating frequency is transmitted through the Low-Level Light Laser, causing a chemical change to occur in the autonomic nervous system, neutralizing any allergic reaction to the substance. AAET basically reprograms the brain and the nervous system to re-educating the brain to stop reacting defensively to allergens and accepting them as safe substances. These sensitivities to allergens are then cleared one at a time, depending on your tolerance. One or more items can be removed on the same treatment day, depending on people’s sensitivity to other issues that could require additional treatments for maximum results.

If you answered yes to any of the four questions above, you likely have hidden allergies and/or sensitivities that prevent you from being healthy. So like many of our patients, we believe you would hugely benefit from AAET

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How Many Treatments Do You Need?

The treatment takes roughly 30-40 minutes. Depending on your health and the severity of your allergy, and typically take 1-2 treatments to see maximum results. Pet allergies usually take 3-4 treatments, and anaphylactic reactions normally take 5 or more sessions to clear completely.

How long will my results last?

Typically effects last for 3-5 years or permanently, depending on your body’s response allowing you to live your life without restriction and continue to have contact with the very substance(s) that made you sick.

Do You Use Needles?

Rarely, AAET is an all natural, drugless, painless, non-invasive method that uses a cold light laser 98% of the time. So anyone can use it, from infants to seniors.


When the body’s immune system overreacts in this way, uncomfortable symptoms can result. Allergies can show up as anyone of these symptoms:


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