
Addiction Treatment

Many individuals struggle with addiction and are seeking a lasting recovery. Acupuncture can successfully be used, as an alternative therapy for addiction cessation for not just tobacco addiction, but alcoholism, over-eating, drug addiction, reducing dependence on pain medication and more.


US smoking rates hit record low Although, cigarette smoking rates have dropped to the lowest level ever recorded, “despite sharp progress, tobacco use still kills more than 480,000 Americans and costs $170 billion in health care expenses each year,”


Our 360 Addiction & Smoking Cessation Treatment’s Acupuncture works to ease the mental and physical reaction of withdrawal that the body experiences! It helps the body establish consistent regularity with brain chemistry releases, helping decrease the cravings connected to the “ups and downs” of addiction. Treatments focus on detoxification, normalizing blood pressure, reducing anxiety and stress, boosting immune function, improving sleep, and increasing your energy.

many individuals struggle with addiction and are seeking a lasting recovery, adictions

Even though the usage of acupuncture for quitting smoking is very helpful, it won’t be sufficient to kick the habit of smoking by itself. Nicotine addiction is extremely powerful. However, used in combination with other recovery strategies, such as 12-step programs, group counseling, or other alternative and complementary treatments, such as art or music therapy, meditation, nutritional counseling, exercise programs, or yoga. Acupuncture is in particular success in reducing cravings but it cannot change behavior.

Cocaine Addictions

Yale University research, found that people who were addicted to cocaine were less likely to use the drug over the eight-week study period if they received acupuncture in specific points of their ears. Study participants who received “sham” acupuncture, or had needles placed in parts of their ears that Chinese medicine doesn’t map to any benefits, as well as those who only underwent relaxation exercises, continued to use cocaine more regularly.

Other research has shown support for similar ear-based acupuncture as a weight-loss aid, perhaps because it helps some people manage what some consider an addiction to food. “We know that food addictions can lead to weight gain,” Jonas says. “Acupuncture might alter brain chemicals associated with these addictions and, in this way, help with weight loss.”.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), diseases, symptoms and conditions for which, acupuncture has been proven during controlled clinical trials to be an effective treatment, include the following:


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