
Pain Management

Pain Management

Acupuncture is a non-pharmaceutical source of pain relief that is an evidence-based, safe, and cost-effective method to counter opioid addiction pain relief. We do this by identifying body patterns, which are contributing to your pain.


We also evaluate the condition of the different organs, your lifestyle habits, and your stress – emotions, as well as possible past traumatic incidents. Diagnosis is also obtained by evaluating the looking at your tongue, pulse, and in-depth questioning. We evaluate your bodies Qi circulates through 14 energy channels called meridians. Find any disruption of these energy flows that are resulting in pain, dysfunction, and ill-health. By stimulating certain points (acu-points) along these meridians, we can restore the normal flow and balance of your Qi so that your body systems can work together in harmony.

acupuncture is a non-pharmaceutical source of pain relief that is an evidence-based, safe, and cost-effective method to counter opioid addiction pain relief, pain management austin

Acupuncture may sound like exotic or even an improbable treatment for chronic pain. But by using specific acupuncture points on the body, we can drastically reduce inflammation, calm your nerves, speedup you’re healing process and provide all around pain relief. Acupuncture is especially helpful in treating chronic knee pain, back pain, carpal tunnel and arthritis. 

360 Jasmine Acupuncture will develop a personal plan to treat your symptoms, incorporating acupuncture and other treatment options to help restore your body to optimal health.

Many patients come to us with high levels of pain that we can typically help reduce their pain-level significantly, in most cases from a 9 to 3 on a Pain-Scale from 1 to 10. Our treatments are non-invasive and without drugs but may include herbs, nutritionals or other modalities.


Does Acupuncture Hurt? I’m Scared of Needles

So if you draft a list of “things that scare the crap out of people,” guess what needles are somewhere in the top ten, sandwiched between “encountering spiders” and “meeting the parents.”

Please understand that being needle nervous is completely normal and common, particularly for your first time with acupuncture. It’s OK with feeling nervous, but once experience how easy and its many benefits that the feeling of fear will pass quickly. Once the pins are in place, there should be no significant discomfort and the time spent resting with needles is incredibly relaxing. For example, many of our clients associate their session as meditation opportunity.

Most people associate needle pain with past experience with hypodermic needles. Checkout the picture, you can fit close to 10 acupuncture needles inside tip of 1 hypodermic needle. Acupuncture needles are so tiny, thin and flexible, about the size of one strain of hair. When the needles are first inserted you may feel a tiny prick, and then within 2 – 30 seconds it’s gone. You may at first feel a relaxing tingling, buzzing, warmth or coolness. These are normal sensations that tell us that treatment is working. Some patients get used to this within just one treatment and others within a few sessions.

If you do feel as though certain points are more sensitive this probably mean that there is more of an energetic blockage in the area. Insertion can also be more hypersensitive if you are dealing with high levels of stress and tension. They can also feel more ‘punchy’ if you are near or on your period.

If you have a history of a deep fear of needles in combination with fainting, ask about are other forms of treatments such as acupressure, detox therapy, cupping, tuina, and gua sha. .

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), diseases, symptoms and conditions for which acupuncture has been proven through controlled clinical trials to be an effective treatment include the following:


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