Acupuncture session at 360 Jasmine Acupuncture, showcasing relaxation and wellness, with a focus on safe treatment processes.

First We Ask A Whole Bunch of Questions . . .

We are not satisfied with Band-Aid solutions, our job is to find your root problem, so we need to know all about you. So it’s important that you are honest and thorough in filling out your new patient information form and answering our questions truthfully. If you have a sore back, we start asking you about your digestion, your sleep, and your mood, please don’t think we are crazy yet.

Second, We Poke & Prod You...Just a Little Bit!

Yes we use some old Chinese examination methods and observations that have been used for thousands of years, long before the advent of modern medical technology. Like asking you to stick out your tongue so we can evaluate its size, color, and coating and carefully checking your pulse. We ask you to walk with us so we can see your kinesiology (physiological and psychological principles of your body’s movements), and we even evaluate the circulatory functions in various parts of your body. By the time we’ve finished examining you, we will have pretty good understanding of what and why you are sick in pain and coming to see us!

Relaxing acupuncture session at 360 Jasmine Acupuncture, featuring needles in a tranquil setting for wellness enhancement.
Acupuncture session at 360 Jasmine Acupuncture with a patient receiving treatment in a relaxing environment.

Then We Give It To You Straight!

The fact is sometimes we can’t help you, and if we cant, we tell you. We won’t waste your money or your time unless we believe we can really help you with the therapies we offer. It is impossible to know for sure who will or will not be helped by acupuncture, but with more than 60 years of combined training and experience has allowed us to make some very educated assumptions. Based on all the information we gather, we will tell you whether we think you’re a good patient prospect. 

If all looks good, we will sit down and map out a treatment plan together that will best work for you, in order to see results. This could include things like herbal medicine, dietary changes, gut detox program, immune system enhancement and likely some non-needle therapies such as cupping, gua-sha, in addition to acupuncture, of course, and maybe even some other things.

Now It's Time To Work

If all is agreeable, well it’s time to get to work! You may be asked to sit in a recliner chair, or you most likely will be lying down on a massage table. In most cases, there is no need to remove clothing. After sanitizing my hands and cleaning your skin, I will insert between six and twenty sterile, single use needles. In many cases, the needles are placed in areas that are far from the problem area. 

For example, many of the most important points for treating headaches are in the feet and hand, and many of the most critical aspects of treating back pain are in the hands as well. The insertion of the needles feels something like a mosquito bite or a small pinch. This may be followed by a mild sensation of tingling, which passes in seconds, and then most patients become deeply relaxed. And fall asleep on me, can you believe it!

OK Now Don't Expect To Be Healed On The First Treatment

Some people notice immediate changes after their first treatment, and that’s very possible, but this is not necessarily always true. Frequently with chronic or severe issues, it takes 5-10 acupuncture sessions before seeing sizable results. Acupuncture is kind of like eating right or going to the gym – you don’t do it just once and expect this amazing change. The good news about acupuncture is that (unlike most other healthy habits), most people don’t have to continue with it forever, especially like most pharmaceutical drugs. 

Our goal is to get you results as quickly as possible and show you how powerful and straightforward our treatment programs are. And yes, all without the side effects …that’s FREE by the way!

Acupuncture session at 360 Jasmine Acupuncture, showcasing a relaxing environment for wellness and effective treatments.

For The Best Results, We Need You To
Hold Up Your End Of The Bargain

Those that get the best results from Acupuncture are the ones who are willing to take part in the process. We can tell you one thing without question: you will certainly be disappointed if you come to us expecting to get well without any effort on your part. One of the most important things that you can do to multiply your odds of success is to commit to the treatments and the frequency that we outline for you. Acupuncture can do a lot by itself, but just like medication, adequate dose and following details are critical for long-term treatment effectiveness. We will most likely make strong recommendations for changes to your diet and lifestyle, but we promise to be as practical, realistic, and gentle as we can when it comes to the changes that we ask you to make.

Acupuncture treatment session at 360 Jasmine Acupuncture, showcasing relaxation and wellness techniques for clients.

How to Prepare for
Your First Visit

  • Always arrive 5-10 minutes before your appointment time. Please print and completely fill out these New Patients Forms before your first session.
  • Please bring the forms with you to the first appointments.
  • Bring any copies of tests, lab results, or other documents that may be relevant to the conditions you are seeking treatment for.
  • Wear loose-fitting clothes and avoid caffeine before any treatment.

It's Time to Live Your Better Life.. Even More Better