What is Shockwave Therapy
Shockwave Therapy is a proven multidisciplinary device used in orthopedics, physiotherapy, sports medicine, and urology as a non-invasive, outpatient alternative to surgery for those suffering from joint and tendon disorders.
The Shockwave device sends acoustic shockwaves into the bone and soft tissue on a cellular level to break up scarring tissue that has penetrated tendons and ligaments, allowing the cells to regenerate blood vessels and bone cells. The resulting revascularization leads to faster healing, with no need for painkillers, making it an ideal therapy and often a return to pre-injury activity levels. Why is this Important?
How Does it Work
Shockwave Therapy is an acoustic wave which sends powerful kinetic energy waves to painful spots and myoskeletal tissues conditions. This energy encourages regeneration and reparative processes to the bones, tendons and other soft tissues in three ways.
The shock waves incite a metabolic reaction in affected tissue areas, creating stress fibers to grow and/or change in their permeability, producing cavitation bubbles to breakdown calcification deposits and better block pain messages. Shockwave Therapy eliminates these possible post-operative complications.
- Permanent or Long-Term Scarring
- Extended Recovery Period
- Nerve Damage
- Muscle & Tendon Rupturing

Clinical Benefits & Successes Rates
There have been hundreds of published articles on Shockwave Therapy, including a dozen doubleblinded, randomized, controlled trials done. The overwhelming evidence for the use of Shockwave Therapy is indisputable. Recent clinical studies imply there is an 83% – 91% probability Shockwave therapy can improve your condition.
- 90% Improvement For Calcified Tendinitis
- 85% Improvement For Shoulder Tendinitis
- 78% Improvement For Tennis Elbow
- 75% Improvement For Achilles Tendinitis
- 91% Improvement For Plantar Fasciitis
- 83% Improvement For Radial And Ulnar Humeral Epicondylitis
- 86% Improvement For Patellar Tendinitis/ Achillodynia
Is Shockwave Safe?
Very Safe! Shockwave therapy has no side effects or damages in the long-term you may experience some shortterm discomfort during the treatment, and some may experience brief soreness, tenderness for a few days after the treatment. Few may experience light bruising or tingling in the area of treatment. After the conclusion of your treatment, most patients can return to regular activities virtually immediately; however, for some circumstances, we may advise you to avoid any strenuous activities for a few days.
Number of Treatments
The number of treatments required depends on the severity and how long you have had the condition. At 360 Jasmine Clinic, we can and like to combine our acupuncture treatments with Shockwave therapy for faster and better results. Most of our patients report feeling relief and a reduction in symptoms after just a couple of treatments. Shockwave Therapy is so powerful that in many cases, only require 4-5 treatments, only once every week. Some chronic conditions can demand between 8 to 10 treatments once per week and usually depends on how long you have had your situation. After your treatments are completed, your injured area will continue to heal for 5 to 12 weeks after your treatment sessions end.

Before & After Your Shockwave Therapy
It is highly recommended not to take antiinflammatories or administer topical antiinflammatories before your Shockwave treatment. If you have had a cortisone injection, you need to wait at least 6-8 weeks post-injection before starting any Shockwave treatments.