


Could parasites be the cause of your underlying health issues? New FLASH, unfortunately, everyone has parasites. If you’ve ever eaten food, drank a glass of water, had sex, or spent time in a forest, something or someone else has, at some point, made your body its home. Ticks, fleas, leeches, mosquitoes, lampreys, or roundworms. Yes, Parasites pose a concern not just limited to individuals in third-world countries. 

Worldwide, parasite infections affect the health of almost everyone. In fact, one-fourth of all infectious diseases are caused by parasitic infections, and while there are medications to treat many parasites, the rising number of emerging parasite species and the dangers that we are now coming to understand about pharma drugs have all drawn attention to a need for a holistic protocol that can fight this now exploding epidemic health concern.

So, What are Parasites?

A parasite is a living organism inside another organism; it usually lives off its host and uses the host’s resources to fuel its life without being noticed and giving nothing back but toxins. Parasites range widely. About 70% of them are not visible to the naked eye, while others can reach over 90 feet long. That’s not a misprint, 90 feet! More than not, when we feel sick or have an illness, our first thought does not go to parasites, but lots of evidence is now showing that it should be. 

Now more than ever, we must all be kinly aware of the risk factors and be prudent of available treatments for parasitic infections. During the Vietnam War, a lot of soldiers died from malaria – a disease caused by parasites. If not correctly taken care of, parasites can live in your body for years and cause massive havoc to our health. Short-term and long-term!

Signs & Symptoms of Parasite

Could include:

  • Abdominal Pain
  • Diarrhea, Constipation, or Gas
  • Nausea or Vomiting
  • Eczema, Hives, or Chronic Urticaria
  • Fatigue
  • Teeth Grinding in Your Sleep
  • Nutrient Deficiencies
  • Anxiety
  • Rectal Itchiness
  • Muscle and Joint Pain
  • Weight Loss
  • Flu-Like Symptoms
  • Visible Worms in Your Stool

Why is This Not Getting More Attention?

If parasitic infections are prevalent, why is there a lack of discussion within the medical community? I’m sure I’m beating a dead horse here, but we already know Western Medicine is not really about the ROOT CAUSE of issues…only band-aids! The mere fact is the medical community is not even allowed to say the word Healing! Not to mention, the sheer lack of specialized training that is needed for diagnosing these microorganisms is completely outside of Western Medical training. Even when patients undergo a battery of laboratory tests, most doctors still never consider the presence of microscopic parasites.

Another reason is that numerous parasitic symptoms closely resemble other ailments that are part of Big Pharma’s drug cartel, such as the common colds, eczema, or flu’s. Consequently, many individuals mistakenly get their symptoms attributed by doctors to other illnesses and do not even consider that parasites could be the Root-Cause. 

Don’t Panic Yet, We Can Help  

Regrettably, our current world is flushed with toxins and parasitic infections that are rising at epidemic levels. The good news is a wealth of natural remedies are available and can be used for these troublesome infestations. Moreover, we can all adopt preventative measures to naturally strengthen our immune systems against these unwanted invaders. These preventive strategies must include maintaining good hygiene, detoxification, incorporating proper foods and supplementation into our diets, increasing our vegetable intake, engaging in regular exercise, and ensuring we stay adequately hydrated with purified water.


Before any parasite cleanse, you must ensure your organs are detoxed and working correctly. Emunctories, which are your organs of elimination and detoxification, will assist in ridding parasites from the body. These include the bowels, kidneys, lungs, and skin. Before any cleanse, we recommend that these are done first. Properly working organs include healthy daily bowel movements, proper urine output, good breathing, and the ability to sweat. 

During a parasite cleanse, healthy bowel movements are particularly crucial because excrement is the route in which parasites will be eliminated from the body. 


Parasite cleanses are quickly becoming a hot topic, and rightfully so, as many individuals are suffering from parasitic infections. If you have symptoms of a parasitic infection, have investigated other causes with no resolution, or know you’ve been exposed to contaminated food, water, or soil, then a parasite cleanse is an excellent thing to consider.

Parasite cleanses can be a life-changing protocol, and we highly recommend you seek professional guidance because it’s not an easy process, but with the proper testing and the correct protocols, it can ensure you can have complete healing.

Call us today on (512) 360-9480 and take advantage of our unique expertise.

Video References:

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IFp-Ksb7hI
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClGE3tralKY


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