
Our 7 Pillars to Optimal Health & Wellness

Many people think of health only as a physical thing. The truth is if you want a vibrant, healthy life, you need to pay attention to your spiritual, mental, and emotional state as well.

So, what is health & wellness anyways? Most of us think it’s merely the absence of sickness or disease. Are we healthy just because we don’t have symptoms, or does actual health go much deeper than that? If we listen to the modern western medical approach, each symptom of a disease exists in isolation – and each physical issue is treated independently from others. That’s just what doctors learn in medical school – to diagnose “diseases” via symptoms and prescribe pharmaceutical medications specific to symptoms.

For example, if you have a gut or bowl issue, you are sent to a gastroenterologist, if you have a skin rash problem, you are sent to a dermatologist, and if you have a heart problem, you see a cardiologist. But what if all these issues were actually connected?

Suffice it to say, if you saw a western doctor, you’re likely to end up with (at least) 3-4 different drug medications masking the symptoms rather than finding the root trouble and handling it!

If you take a holistic functional approach to health and actually look at all the symptoms as a whole, symptoms are likely linked together! So your treatment needs to be tailored to each of your unique needs – rather than standardized “drug treatments” used by most MD doctors today.

A holistic functional approach is more involved and time-consuming than simply concentrating on only one particular symptom or disease, but if you want to achieve genuine healing and optimal health, there are 7 key areas that you need to address. In our humble opinion, these are the most essential pillars to start living at Optimal Health & Wellness.

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Pillar #1: Physical, Mental, Spiritual & Emotional Balancing

Today’s overwhelming stresses are creating enormous pressures on our nervous system, leading to burnout and literal physical, mental, and emotional breakdowns. We all need purpose and a balance between life and community, harmony, love, and support. These are all essential for our health.”

Pillar #2: Food – Water – Oxygen Health

You’ve likely heard the phrase, “you are what you eat.” Every bodily system demands specific vitamins & minerals for optimal function. If you’re not eating enough of the right things (or eating too much of the wrong things), your body is not going to be okay. 92% of us in the modern world suffer from some form of nutritional deficiency or imbalance – despite the almost limitless supply and assortment of foods we are surrounded with daily.

The quality of water that we drink and wash our hair and body with has a considerable effect on our health. Even how we clean fruits and veggies are essential to removing pesticides and toxins. Beyond disease prevention, our body needs water to simply function; without it, we would dehydrate and die. It regulates body temperature, protects tissue, and joints, assists with absorbing nutrients, waste excretion, and improves blood oxygen levels.

Pillar #3: Gut & Digestive Health

Our microbiome gut health is another area where imbalances are at pandemic levels in the Western world. From IBS to Crohn’s, chronic pain conditions, poor oral health, and even mental issues like depression and addiction, there is ample evidence that gut health is critical in these areas. We believe 95% of all disease conditions start in the Gut!

Our digestive system not only has to adequately digest and assimilate all the nutrients we consume but also protects us from pathogens and allergens and eliminates waste. In addition, our body produces hundreds of diverse hormones – all with a specific unique function to perform within the body. If any of them are out of whack, it can quickly generate a chain reaction, throwing our bodies into chaos.

This is one of the many aspects rarely addressed by modern medicine except in extreme imbalance and disease cases. Inflammation is another major problem that is seldom addressed and is a hugely common issue today. Over 30 years of research have shown that our capacity to digest, absorb and nourish a healthy Gut is the foundation of health optimization.

Key #4: Cellular Level Detoxification

The toxic loads and parasite attacks that most of us face daily are considerably more overwhelming than most realize. Toxins are just about everywhere – in our food (pesticide residues, drug residues, artificial additives, etc.), water (more pesticide chlorine, mercury, pharmaceutical residuals, fluoride, and more), air (smog, smoke, off-gasses, cleaning product fumes, etc.), and others in our homes like mold and formaldehyde, etc.

In addition, we are all loaded with intestinal parasites. These micro invaders affect our health and can wreak havoc on your whole body, from your brain to your liver, with the potential to cause problems that can cause death. Parasites contribute to inflammation, immune impairment, and even autoimmune activation. Common ones include roundworms, pinworms, hookworms, tapeworms, and liver flukes.

Obviously, it is impossible to avoid all of these, but you can take steps to lower your exposure by detoxing them from your body. But you also need to do all you can to support your body’s natural detoxification processes and keep it functioning optimally.

Key #5: Herbs, Vitamins & Mineral Supplementation

Did you know that prescription drugs are the fourth leading cause of death here in the United States, killing more than 2,400 people every week? Whether the goal is to help aid digestion, boost your immune system, or lower cholesterol, herbs are a viable, all-natural solution. Certain herbs have even been used for thousands of years to naturally remedy health conditions.

Today vitamins, minerals & antioxidants are critical for optimal health. Conversely, there is overwhelming evidence that vitamin and mineral deficiencies are associated heavily with chronic disease. Even mild deficiencies can cause low energy, brain fog, low mood, and disrupt hormone production. Even the most health-conscious person that consumes a healthy diet full of vegetables, fruits, proteins, and fats will have nutrient deficiencies.

Key #6: Exercise / Movement Strategy

Healthy life habits with purposeful movement will enhance everyday life. From your brain to your joints, moving every day will improve every part of your body. Don’t think of daily exercise as a commitment with minimum requirements like running 3 miles or bench-pressing your weight.

Think of it simpler – like just walking your dog and building into a new activity like biking or hiking. Increasing your daily mobility can help drastically upgrade your overall health.

Key #7: Life Changes & Accountability

How much is your health worth to you? How much do you really invest (or sacrifice) to get better? Most of you would agree that your health is worth a lot. In fact, we believe your health is your most valuable asset. Are you willing to eat better? Cut out caffeine. Become more active. Go to bed earlier. No excuses, just execution. Accountability, with many people, helps pave the way and truly change your life before it’s too late!

If you were to successfully address each of these seven areas, there is no doubt that you would see a reversal of virtually all of the modern chronic diseases that plague us today – including mental issues like depression. Don’t settle for the easy route of just “popping prescription pills because that’s all your doctor knows to tell you to do. You’re not going to do yourself any favors for your long-term health or longevity. Rather, take the time to carefully manage each of the key areas above, and make real changes. Your body – and those who love you and want you around for a long time – will thank you!

If you just want to learn more about Acupuncture, Energy Medicine, and the Functional Medicine approaches we take. We would be happy to talk with you and help. If you are experiencing problems with your mood, fatigue, stress, or just not feeling right, call our office at 512-360-9480 to schedule a complimentary consultation.

Stay Healthy and Stay Strong.

many people think of health only as a physical thing, drjasmine signiture