Meet Our Team of Holistic Acupuncture Experts at 360 Jasmine

Meet Dr. Jasmine Mansell: Your Expert in Holistic Acupuncture
Owner / Lead Doctor & Acupuncturist
Specialty: Acute & Chronic Pain Specialist • Cranio-Sacral Therapy • Body Detoxification • Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture for Treating Neurological diseases and Pain • Anxiety • Chronic Stress • Depression • High Blood Pressure
Licenses & Education/Training: Doctorate and Class Valedictorian of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from NCCAOM, Licensed Acupuncturist (#AC01662) in the state of Texas, Board Certified Diplomate of Chinese Herbology by NCCAOM, Board Certified Diplomate of Oriental Medicine by NCCAOM, Nationally Certified and Licensed from Dr. Tan Balance Method Acupuncture – Core Foundations Acupuncture Training, Functional Medicine Certification & Training.
Other Certifications: Certified Cosmetic Acupuncture, Sectional Anatomy, Anatomy & Physiology, Patient Care, Dr. Zhu’s Scalp Acupuncture – Zhu’s Scalp Acupuncture for Stroke and Spinal Cord Injury, Dr. Zhu’s Scalp Acupuncture – Fundamental of Zhu’s Scalp Acupuncture MPS Therapy – Ultimate Pain, Intro to Pain Management & Scar Release Therapy, Dr. John Howard’s – Advanced Battlefield Acupuncture & Clinical Pearls, and Medical Terminology, Human Anatomy & Physiology, 39 APEX Certifications including Mastering-Brain-Chemistry, The Gluten Leaky Gut Autoimmune Connection and the Fundamentals of Functional Blood Chemistry
Years of Study:20 years
Years at 360JA: 10 years
I started out specializing in the treatment of pain management for back, shoulder, neck and especially migraine headaches and I guess now I’m kind of well known for my success in treating in those areas. I also have a natural insight to stressful complex interactions; in treating anxiety, depression and PTSD issues. I incorporate the BodyTalk technique system into our practise, which, helps on identifying underlying emotional health problems that start from the inside out!
However, lately my passions and my recent PhD studies have been taking me into some deeper areas of real importance like leaky gut, allergies, autoimmune diseases, digestive disorders, environmental illnesses, cancer, nutrition and nutritional supplementing. We are getting so many new patients with these life altering issues. Another reason we recently add Dr Kapp to our advisory team and his amazing insights to the BlueZones and his recommendations about diet and other aspects of lifestyle living.
Ok, we are all still a little vain…cosmetic acupuncture is big on our list, because I want to stay young looking as well and we believe people want to get healthier skin without surgery or syringes. It’s simple really, we just focus on helping you return your body, mind, and spirit to being as young and whole again as possible.
From an early age, I think deep down, I wanted to be a doctor! I remember when I was a little girl I loved to help my uncle at his health clinic in South Korea, but I ended up becoming a teacher where I got my first Ph.D. and became a University professor. My pursuit of an acupuncture degree was not until I came to America and decided to go back to school and pursue my dream. In my quest, I’ve accumulated profound personal experiences, because of personal relationships that became chronically sick from cancer tumors and had a great deal of pain, which greatly contributed to shaping my medical perspective today, and why I practice Integrative, Chinese Medicine, nutrition, and other unique healing modalities.
This certainty, along with my personal growth and the encouragement of my husband has allowed me to devote more of my time now to helping others overcome their personal health challenges. I also try very hard to show each of my patients the hidden truths about healing secrets and taking better care of our selves. I guess that goes back to my days of being a teacher.

Michael Sattler
Clinic Director / Advisor
Specialty: Alliterative Modalities • Intermitted Fasting & Nutrition • Body Detoxification & PRP Therapy • DNA Genetic Testing & Analysis • Functional & Nutritional Medicine
Education/Training: Holistic & Naturopathic Research Specialist – RIFE Technology – Heavy Metals & Parasite Detox Protocols
Years of Study: 25 years of Self-Teaching, Exhaustive Research
Years at 360JA: 5 years
Well, the first and most apparent reason is that Dr. Jasmine is my amazing life partner and wife! And she is an incredible healer, so I'm helping her get the word out about how amazing 360 really is. I never really thought about going into the medical field. Although I've always personally sought out natural and holistic care for my own personal needs but, knock on wood, I'm very healthy. My past life was as a successful entrepreneur, playing in several different business channels. So, the medical field was not a hard transition, and you could say it was likely in my destiny to work one day with Jasmine. I'm an avid researcher with a profound grasp of alternative medicines and even did a start-up technology company related to the healthcare industry. So now, I'm helping 360 oversee aspects of the clinical business and operations so she can spend more time with patients rather than the boring business side of things. I also oversee most of our new cutting-edge procedures and medical breakthroughs. It's been very rewarding working with people who actually positively change people's lives.
I look forward to meeting you in person if you decide to join our little family. Many of our clients end up becoming personal friends and family.
Hope you have an AMAZING week…
Stay Strong, Stay Wise & Live Long!
I have a genuine passion for helping people in regaining control of their lives, which, in my opinion, has been slowly taken from us. My compassion and desire to share TRUTH about what real healthcare is about keeps me up at night. I believe I have a unique and natural ability to explain complex conditions in plain, simple representations. My most fulfilling moments at the clinic have come from seeing our clients achieve life-changing results and seeing their passion for life come back.
I think everyone has their own way of helping others, but if you're like me, it's just a part of you. I don't know why, maybe because I've always been that way. Maybe it's my upbringing, perhaps it's just something that God just put in me, but either way, helping others has always been in my DNA – and it's gratifying! Has to be otherwise, why would you work all the crazy hours we have to put in...believe me, it can be exhausting.

Yeni Guo
Clinic Acupuncturist
Specialty: Acupuncture • Skin Disorders • Facial Rejuvenation • Menstrual Disorders • PMS • Infertility • Digestive disorders like Irritable Bowel Syndrome • Heartburn • Bloating • Diarrhea
Education/Training: Studied in China under 4 Different Masters since 2008, Licensed Acupuncturist in the state of Texas, for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from NCCAOM (National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine), Senior Massage Therapist, Herbalist Human Anatomy & Physiology
Years of Study: 16 years
Years at 360JA: 7 years
My course has not only been directed by my extraordinary Chinese master's in the 8 extraordinary Meridians as giving access to healing our existential concerns but also by my desire to be a mother. I believe that in Chinese medicine, with the use of needles and herbs, one can gain a healthy and satisfying pregnancy by connecting the physical, emotional, and spiritual elements of our being.
Before coming to the United States, I studied and practiced Acupuncture in my native country China. This training led me to better understand the body’s physical and energetic systems. There, too, I first witnessed how powerful Acupuncture can be as part of a treatment regimen – how it supports patients’ strength, stamina, and quality of life. I moved to the United States and wanted to follow that same path. So I trained here in the United States, got my License, and worked many years with Dr Jasmine at 360. I have learned much since China and love helping patients manage their conditions and illnesses. The longer I practice, the more Acupuncture amazes me with what it can do. It is really a remarkable form of medicine.

Warren Lin
LAc, ACN Acupuncture & Nutrition
Specialty: Acupuncture & Chinese Herbology. Body pain
(frozen shoulder, sciatica, knee pain, lower back pain, upper
back pain, shoulder and neck pain etc.), migraine, emotional
issues (anxiety, depression), digestive issues (poor appetite,
bloating, acid reflux, stomach pain etc.), insomnia, skin issue
Education/Training: Being a second generation in a Chinese medicine family, I saw my father save my mom’s life from severe illness by using Chinese medicine. Since then, I have known how effective Chinese medicine is and decided to choose it as my optimal career. I pursued my dream and majored in Chinese Herbology at China Medical University in my hometown, Taiwan. Later on, I came to Austin for a master’s degree in Chinese medicine and acupuncture and became a licensed acupuncturist.
Years of Study: 7 years
Years at 360JA: 2.5 years
I was influenced and inspired by my father significantly, which makes me deeply attracted to Chinese medicine. I realized that Chinese medicine works well in helping people go back on track in a natural, safe, and simple way. It is a good approach that not only practitioners should learn but a good living lifestyle that people could have applied to their daily life.

Dr. Nam Nguyen, DC
Specialty: Spinal alignment • Joint adjustment • Myofascial Release • Musculoskeletal Treatments • Acupressure • Neck pain • Back pain • Low back pain • Sacroiliac Joint disorders • PNF Stretching • Corrective exercises • Functional movements • Energy release and circulation
D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic.
B.S. Human Anatomy.
B.S. Exercise Physiology. from Parker University in Dallas, Texas.
B.S. in Biomedical Sciences from Texas A&M University.
Years of Study: 6 years
Years at 360: Just started this year
I grew up in a health-conscious, naturopathic family and have always loved movement, sports, and martial arts. Chiro is a beautiful combination of art, science, and philosophy. I've always known that I wanted to be in the healthcare field, explored different professions within healthcare, and it was the natural, holistic realm that drew me in. Chiropractic was the pinnacle path that was in alignment with my upbringing and passions.
I wanted to become a chiropractor to dedicate my life to mastering the craft of helping alleviate pain using my hands.
It is a blessing to be passionate about your career. Leaving work at the end of the day and actually feeling more energized is a sign that I'm in the right line of work. I am passionate about the physicality of the treatments, using my hands, and implementing the knowledge and training into every treatment. My life has always been about movement, running, swimming, and playing– Just revering our bodies and their super-intelligent design innately perform their functions. I get to assist patients on their wellness journey of vitality-- from the healing process, and recovery stage, all the way to sports performance.

Dr John Park
L.Ac., DAOM., Dipl. O.M.
Specialty: Traditional Chinese Acupressure & Acupuncture Medicine • Somatic Education • Trauma Recovery • Acute & Chronic Body Pain • Neck • Shoulders • Back • Sciatica Issues • Special Attention to Sports Injuries including Knees • Ankles • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome • Tennis And Golf Elbow Injuries • and Veterans with Severe Battlefield Injuries.
Licenses & Education:
Doctorate in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from THSU, Licensed Acupuncturist in Texas.
Years of Study: 24 years
Years at 360: Newly Joined
From a young age, I dreamt of becoming a doctor. This dream became even more personal when my father was diagnosed with coronary artery disease. He went through numerous treatments with Western medicine, but unfortunately, none of them worked for him. During that difficult time, I began to believe that there had to be other ways to heal the body—natural, holistic, and organic alternatives to conventional Western medicine.
Despite my conviction, my father refused to try any natural or homeopathic therapies, relying solely on Western treatments. Sadly, these treatments couldn't save his life. His struggle made me question the limitations of Western medicine and opened my eyes to the need for other approaches.
I came to understand that the human body is organic, intelligent, and highly sensitive to harmful chemicals or substances. This belief in the body's natural capacity to heal, along with my desire to explore holistic approaches, led me to pursue a path in Traditional Oriental Medicine. It allows me to work with the body’s natural processes and use therapies that are in harmony with our health and well-being.
To me, life is a journey, and our time here is temporary. I believe that no job is more important than another, as long as it doesn’t harm or bring suffering to others. Every person has a unique purpose and talents, gifts from God that shape our contributions to the world.
When people ask me, “Do you enjoy your job?” my answer is always a resounding yes. I believe that everyone, in some form, experiences pain—there are no exceptions. What makes my work so meaningful is having the ability, through faith and skill, to help free people from their pain.
I find great joy in listening to people’s stories, understanding the root of their pain, and working to relieve it. There is nothing more rewarding to me than seeing someone regain their sense of well-being and happiness. The opportunity to help others heal, and to be a part of their recovery journey, is what makes my work truly special.