Our Natural & Chineses Herbal & Vitamin Shop
Chinese herbs are an integral part of our practice. Vitamins, minerals, and the foods we eat are the first line of defense for health, not Big Pharma’s answer, take a PILL and call me next month! Herbs and nutrients used in Chinese Medicine are all plant-based, and the dense, nourishing nature of herbs goes a lot deeper than Acupuncture alone in supporting healthy DNA and long-term cellular energy production. Depending on the herb and its intended use, it can be packaged as powders, pastes, lotions, or tablets.
Herbal and nutrition play an essential part in treating numerous conditions, staying healthy, and providing safer alternatives to most pharmaceutical treatments. 25-30% of all prescription drugs are derived from herbs, trees, or shrubs, and countless pharmaceutical medications are based on herbal medicines stolen from older cultures like Traditional Chinese Medicine. Herbs are used heavily in Europe, Asia, and Latin America.
On-Site Custom Herbs
360 Jasmine Acupuncture & Wellness Clinic offer on-site Vitamin & Herbs of high quality, non-GMO, premium Chinese herbal formulas, and nutritional detox supplements and formulations. These formulas are often handcrafted and custom-prescribed for a client’s specific conditions and nutritional needs. All our nutritional’s, herbs, and supplements are only available to patients. Sorry we are not open to the public.
On-Site Custom Herb & Vitamin Shop
A quick visit to Wholefoods or your local health store can quickly answer that question! First, it’s a little overwhelming, to say the least, just to figure out what to choose from among the massive assortment of dietary and nutritional supplements that can stress you out. It’s taken us years of research to filter through this maze of crap – everyone vendor will tell you they’re the best and have the purest ingredients on the market! So, which ones are best, and who’s telling the truth? What we have concluded is that only about 5% of the herbal and nutritional supplements are worth your hard-earned dollar.
All of the herbal and nutraceutical’s that we use or sell come from sources we hand-selected and use ourselves. The majority of the products we carry are only sold through licensed health care professionals. My team and a few trusted colleges have gathered what we believe are the crucial things you should be investing in to keep your immune system in optimal performance. Collectively we have over 125 years of researching and testing herbal Medicines and supplements and only carry what we believe to be the very best quality. And not because of the profit margins or costs but because of their effectiveness. The truth is quality is not cheap, and neither is your health!
All the products in our clinic are priced at or below the suggested retail price, and we do not carry any products sold under multi-level marketing structures. We are very sensitive that our patients are paying out of pocket for many of these herbs and supplements and are not just selling them if they make us more money. We personally use them and ONLY recommend things we have personally tried – tested or use ourselves.

Nutrient Deficiencies
Both vitamins and minerals are needed in a specific quantity and time-released manner so that our bodies can use them correctly in their overall functions. Conversely, incorrect amounts or use in the wrong sequence can have a cascade effect that negatively impacts healthy body functions and your optimal health performance. For example, Vitamin B-12 is required to develop and function the brain, neurons, blood, and more. A deficiency in B-12 can lead to fatigue and weakness, affected mobility, breathlessness and dizziness, impaired vision, and mood swings, among other symptoms.
On the other hand, a vitamin-D deficiency can cause muscle weakness and even lead to cardiovascular disease. Iron deficiency can cause anemia, which brings in fatigue and breathlessness. Massive research has validated that every nutrient has a role to play, and many symptoms that affect your health and performance levels can all be traced directly back to improper or insufficient nutrient support. So you can understand why we are serious about proper nutritional support!
Nutrition & Supplements
90% of people, due to strict dieting, poor appetites, Erratic eating habits, or changing nutritional needs, causes us not to get the needed amount of essential proteins, vitamins, enzymes, minerals, or nutrients from food alone. So supplementation is necessary to help us bridge the nutritional gap to maintain a healthy balance of vitamins, minerals, or nutrients our body needs to stay healthy and disease-free.
The Effectiveness of Herbs
As the adverse side effects of prescription drugs are coming to light every day, people are searching for a natural way of healing. The Chinese Herbal Pharmacopeia has been around for thousands of years with significant documentation of results generated from thousands of tested herbs. My staff and I have studied for many years and lean on a network of established, skilled, and experienced Functional Medicine doctors. Whatever you are facing, we will strive to develop the best natural treatment plan to improve your health.

Treat herbs, vitamins, and minerals with the same caution as you would any prescription medication. We help you analyze these things based on many factors.
This includes:
- Use formulations based on your nutritional needs
- Only taking the necessary supplements your body needs – not extras
- Learn to take vitamins & minerals at the correct times of the day
- Being aware of possible reactions between supplements or herbs
Every year, FDA-approved drugs are killing twice as many people as the total number of U.S. deaths from the Vietnam War. Death by Medicine flourishes because of Big-Pharma corruption, not science, and now governs a doctor’s prescribing habits. But we are currently seeing a fundamental shift in the global health and wellness industry from disease treatment to preventing chronic diseases. We are all partners in this journey to live healthier and happier lives. We hope you find a safe and trustworthy place, whether with another qualified and honest practitioner or us!