
What is CHIRO-Mobility Therapy?

Chiropractic and physical therapy treatments share many of the same qualities, but each form of therapy has its own benefits and drawbacks. At 360 Jasmine Wellness Clinic, we use the best of both chiropractic muscle manipulation and physical therapy techniques to improve our patient’s overall outcomes. That’s why we have coined the term Chiro-Mobility therapy, which combinations two critical approaches for ultimate treatment results.

Like physical therapy, chiropractic medicine is often used to fix and treat various physical ailments, chiropractic care requires more continuous support, while Chiro-Mobility therapy is intended to prevent your problems from happening again. It’s also important to note that many stand-alone chiropractic care techniques can actually create more severe injuries, while Chiro-Mobility therapy takes a more gentle muscle manipulation healing approach.

By incorporating these two approaches for acute conditions, our patient’s outcomes improve in a far shorter span by simultaneously increasing their range of motion for better long-term physical results and our clients can get back to their everyday routines sooner.

Chiro-Mobility Therapy Covers More Aspects of the Human Body

Chiro-Mobility therapy is a comprehensive treatment that helps patients regain the abilities they had before the injury. It may also reduce the amount of pain you’re in from various other conditions that can cause chronic pain. Chiropractic care focuses on the skeletal system and muscles in the body that enable movement. Chiro-Mobility therapy centers more around the opening of spinel, organ, muscle blood and energy flow restrictions.

chiro-mobility therapy covers more aspects of the human body, chiro massage austin
better skill sets, chiro physio therapy fileminimizer

Better Skill Sets

Chiro-Mobility therapists are also trained to do many of the same things chiropractic therapists can do, including manipulating the spine and releasing painfully tight muscles. Your choice of using Chiro-Mobility therapy vs Chiropractic therapy alone is one you should consider. We feel a Chiro-Mobility therapist has more knowledge of the whole body and is better prepared to perform a variety of other needed techniques include acupuncture, acupressure, and physical therapy exercises that can better stabilize your core. Chiro-Mobility therapists can also build a specialized stretching program that will help you enjoy sports and exercise again.

Ergonomics & Posture

Good posture involves maintaining a neutral spine, aligned shoulders, and relaxed limbs. In the computer workspace, ergonomics plays a crucial role in promoting good posture. An ergonomic setup ensures that the desk, chair, and monitor are appropriately positioned, reducing strain on the body. This is vital as it prevents musculoskeletal issues, decreases discomfort, and fosters a more balanced and stronger core.

Proper ergonomics positively impact energy levels, minimizing fatigue and enhancing productivity throughout the day. By reducing the physical stress associated with prolonged sitting, an ergonomic workspace contributes to overall well-being, creating a more comfortable and health-conscious environment that supports both physical and mental health.

360 Posture Recalibration Program:

  • Boost Energy Levels: Experience a surge in productivity by maintaining optimal posture throughout the day.
  • Adapt to Any Workspace: Our flexible program suits both office and home setups, ensuring comfort wherever you work.
  • Strengthen Core Muscles: Cultivate a strong and balanced core for improved stability and overall well-being.

Key Features:

  • Expert Guidance: Access professional trainers and ergonomic specialists for personalized advice.
  • Convenient Sessions: Quick, efficient exercises seamlessly integrate into your daily routine.
  • Tailored Solutions: Address specific workplace challenges for a customized experience.

On your next visit with us ask for a complimentary ergonomic assessment! Don’t miss this chance to transform your workspace and redefine your posture!

Chiropractic Structural Integrity

Chiropractic places importance on maintaining the structural integrity of your spine and nervous system by only taking the pressure off the nerves and allowing the body to heal naturally from within. Chiro-Mobility therapy uses several highly-effective approaches to more precisely fit each client’s specific needs, first by improving spinal biomechanics and reducing nervous system interference. We check the spine for any pressure, blockages, misalignments, and tension that will cause interruptions in the communication flow from the brain to the rest of the body. These interruptions in the nervous system are called subluxations. We use Chiro-Mobility therapy in conjunction with all our understanding of the human body because if we are working on your cervical spine area, it could easily affect your thyroid health since the nerve patterns also connect to where the thyroid is located! Therefore, we need to ensure the brain has a clear path to communicate with each organ correctly.

Why You Might Need Chiro-Mobility Therapy

Today many of us have stressful jobs, demanding marriages, challenging bosses, and sometimes just the responsibility of balancing kids. These stresses will cause tension and subluxations – disrupting the natural flow of energy, causing pain, depression, and disease. Our bodies are not built to sit in one position at a desk for 8-10 hours a day or in front of a computer or television, nor are we made to sit on the phone for hours and hours! A lack of movement equals a lack of energy flow, which equals an imbalance. Not to mention all the yanking, twisting, torquing, falling, and accidents that we seem to always have in life. All the more reason, you should think about getting a regular Chiro-Mobility adjustment now and then.

the real benefits of chiro-mobility therapy, chiro physio therapy fileminimizer

The Real Benefits of Chiro-Mobility Therapy

  •  Less Stress
  •  Optimal Body Function
  •  Increased Flexibility
  •  Greater Immune Function
  •  Faster Cellular Healing
  •  Sustained Natural Energy
  •  Reduced Injury from Exercise & Active Lifestyle

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