


The future of healthcare looks beyond the physics of the body!

What is Bio-Energetic Testing

360Bio-Energetic testing measures electrical resistance throughout your body’s bone, tissue, muscle, organ, and even down to a cellular level. The human body is a unique complex chain of electrical energy. Although chemistry plays a large part in the physiology of the body, it does so, by acting through the neurological system within our body.

Using advances in electro-medicine developed in Germany, we can determine energetic imbalance or pre-disease conditions while they are in an “electrically imbalance” stage of development rather than after cellular or chemical changes have taken place. Once enough cellular or chemical changes have occurred to make a disease visible through traditional testing procedures, it is usually difficult to reverse these conditions. However, we can reverse the situation even before symptoms appear in the state of electrical imbalance. This is genuinely disease prevention. 

Bioenergetic testing service at 360JasmineAcupuncture, assessing electrical resistance for cellular health evaluation.

Why Use This Noninvasive Testing & Balancing Tool?

360Bio-Energetic testing measures electrical resistance throughout your body’s bone, tissue, muscle, organ, and even down to a cellular level. The human body is a unique complex chain of electrical energy. Although chemistry plays a large part in the physiology of the body, it does so, by acting through the neurological system within our body. 

Bioenergetic testing at 360JasmineAcupuncture assessing electrical resistance for health evaluation.
Bioenergetic testing session at 360JasmineAcupuncture, measuring electrical resistance for healthy cellular evaluation.

How does it Work!

Every substance on the planet is composed of matter created at an atomic level. Each of these specific substances, whether it be wood, metal, plastic, parasites, toxins, foods, or cells, is determined by its distinctive atomic rotational speed. This speed-of-rotation is defined by the electro-magnetic frequency unique to every specific substance on earth. Keeping this in mind, we also know that every particular organ, tissue, bone, or cell has its own healthy or unhealthy electromagnetic frequency.

When our bodies are exposed to a toxin, mold, virus, fungus, bacteria, or even emotional and/or psychological stress, the first thing that occurs is that the tissue’s normal electro-magnetic frequency becomes abnormal. And these weak genetic links somehow determine which tissues or organs will become compromised. When an organ or cell has an abnormal electro-magnetic frequency for some time, not good changes will occur in the tissue’s biochemistry. At this stage, most treatments can intervene and treat the disease’s growth appropriately. However, when the electromagnetic frequencies remain for a more extended time period, there will eventually be more severe issues translating into tissue damage and pathological and degenerative conditions. .

Getting to the Root of Your Health Sooner!

Hear at 360 Jasmine Clinic, we would rather gain deep insights into what’s functioning and not functioning in your body as soon as possible. This allows us to target what needs attention now and what therapies, herbs, minerals, or vitamins would be most beneficial in getting the best results. Our goal is to take the guesswork out of your health and let actual, personalized data direct us toward faster and better resolutions.

Just like traditional blood and urine tests for chemical compounds in the body, 360Bio-Energetic testing provides a far deeper layer of insights by measuring the body’s unique energy signatures that are linked to actual physical issues. This includes organs and systems within the body, environmental factors such as bacteria and viruses, emotional factors, as well as brain function items that may need to be addressed.

Bio-Energetic testing allows us to understand your body’s issues on a future level as well,  particularly highlighting early-stage potential problems that are out of balance so we can play more of a proactive role rather than a reactive role.

Bioenergetic testing at 360JasmineAcupuncture assessing health through electrical resistance in the human body.
Bioenergetic testing session at 360JasmineAcupuncture, evaluating cellular health through electrical resistance measurement.

Bring Your Body Back to Balance & Optimum Health.

360Bio-Energetic Testing is beneficial for those who are dealing with chronic health concerns like allergies, digestive issues, fatigue, pain, depression, skin complaints, sleeplessness, various disease like Lyme, and much more. The more we understand how your body is functioning, what nutrients it may be lacking, and what toxins are creating issues, the better we can apply specific treatment plans and remedies your body wants and needs. Many who suffer from chronic health issues know how frustrating it can be to continually address symptoms and not the root problem. That’s why we have found this Testing to be invaluable. 

Bioenergetic testing process at 360JasmineAcupuncture, showcasing electrical resistance assessment for health evaluation.

Food Sensitivities

360 Bio-Energetic tests hundreds of foods against various regions of your body and gives us a list of triggers and your body's intolerances to those foods.

Bioenergetic testing service at 360JasmineAcupuncture assessing electrical resistance for cellular health evaluation.


We search for any nutritional deficiencies like a lack of vitamins, minerals, acids, and enzymes, so we can enforce the proper supplements to help your body better heal itself.

Bioenergetic testing session at 360JasmineAcupuncture, assessing health through electrical resistance measurements.


We also test your body for various emotional and hormonal imbalances that can affect all genders and are the cause of many autoimmune symptoms and issues.

Bioenergetic testing at 360JasmineAcupuncture assessing health via electrical resistance measurements in the human body.


Basic intracellular processes demand a conducive and sound internal environment to transpire seamlessly. 360Bio-Energetic Testing provides us with a list of toxins your body is struggling with.

Bioenergetic testing procedure at 360JasmineAcupuncture assessing electrical resistance for health evaluation.

Organ Functions

Stress is the body's reaction to increased pressure or demands that your body can not physically cope with. This affects specific organs in your body, but the question is - Which Ones!

Bioenergetic testing process at 360JasmineAcupuncture evaluating health through electrical resistance measurements.

Trust In Our Team

You can trust that we'll listen. Our team combines what we hear from you with comprehensive and innovative testing to uncover the root causes of your illness.

You Will Receive A Detailed Report On The Complete Findings - Including:

  • Cellular stress points in 14 systems throughout your body.
  • Hormones that are out of balance
  • Toxins (mold, bacteria, parasites, chemicals, metals, and viruses)
  • Nutritional imbalances (vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, essential fatty acids)
  • 600 potential food and environmental sensitivities
  • Customized remedy plan that may include herbs, nutritional supplements, homeopathic remedies, acupuncture, and IVs, to address more immediate issues!
Bioenergetic testing service at 360JasmineAcupuncture assessing electrical resistance for health insights.
Bioenergetic testing at 360JasmineAcupuncture assessing health via electrical resistance measurements for wellness.

We Are Unlike Any Medical Clinic You Have Been To...

Functional medicine is intended to bridge the existing diagnostic and therapeutic gaps. Backed by over 40 years of research, 360Bio-Energetic Testing clearly continues to deliver life – changing results. Economically, considerable time and substantial amounts of money could be saved by taking advantage of the benefits of this powerful technology in the emerging field of functional medicine.

We presently offer a testing package that includes:

    • A Detailed Full Body Analysis
    • Complete Brain & Organ Scan
    • Full Food Sensitivity Analysis
    • Includes over 40+ pages
    • A Custom Treatment Plan 
    • Free 45 Day Follow Up Scans

Let’s Get Started

Use the form to email us; someone will contact you to confirm the appointment time and date, or just call to schedule an appointment.


We look forward to helping you on your path to better optimal health!