
Advanced Allergy Clearing

We remove the source of allergies, not just the symptoms

Advanced Laser Allergy Clearing

Itching, sneezing, watery eyes, skin rashes, adverse food reactions, runny nose?… The Good news is 360 Jasmine Wellness Center can help!


Today there are numerous treatments for allergies. The most commonly applied method is allopathic drugs. Although allopathic medications are recognized for instant relief, they almost always need to be used long-term and have many side effects attached that can easily result in additional autoimmune issues on top of your allergy issues.


360 offers Advanced Laser Allergy Clearing, a holistic alternative for clearing allergies and other inflammatory conditions. This advanced technology provides an effective, fast, and painless procedure without needles for addressing all kinds of allergies. Allergies can affect every system and organ in your body from illnesses, migraine headaches, backaches, asthma, immune disorders, hyperactivity, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, arthritis, anxiety, depression, addictions, and many other conditions. 


Once we identify what allergens are causing irritation, we use a laser to produce counter-frequencies that combine acupuncture meridians (the electrical current of the body which enables the nervous system to send signals to the brain) and frequencies (electromagnetic signatures) in the form of information to help stimulate your immune system naturally to work specifically on allergies/intolerances. This holistic approach relies on the body’s ability to rebalance itself with the help of unblocking energy pathways and resetting mistaken frequencies. 


We use this same cutting-edge technology to clear food sensitivities, inflammation, and more! It’s exceptionally safe, effective, drug-free, and can be administered without needles! 


Digestive issues are frequently an underlying factor of delayed allergies and respiratory distress as well. Both children and adults suffer from undiagnosed ‘leaky gut’ issues, causing partially undigested proteins to enter the bloodstream to cause a bad storm of allergy reactions. So we usually encourage a Detoxification therapy with it to improve digestion by removing the infectious agents and/or heavy metals while replacing helpful enzymes and POSTbiotics to aid the digestion process and help optimize your immune systems.


It’s very effective, natural, and a lot cheaper than most allergy drug-shot programs. On average, you can save $1,550 per year with twice the benefits and NO side effects. Call for a FREE consultation!

no more shots! no more meds! no more avoiding foods you love!, round flower


NO more painful allergy scratch tests, (often causing severe, adverse reactions), or no more ongoing allergy doctor visits. If you’re looking for the best way to get healthy, allergy-free, and resolve your health issues like chronic pain, asthma, digestive, arthritis, diabetes, obesity, depression, ADD/ADHD, Fibromyalgia, or just seasonal Allergies. These are all signs that your body is out of balance, and each of these conditions can be reversed and resolved if appropriate holistic measures are taken.

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Cupping Therapy

Cupping is one of the oldest treatments used in Chinese medicine, and today it still provides the benefits of increased blood flow, improve the flow of energy, relaxes muscles, removes inflammation and toxins, promotes healing, and alleviates pain.

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Chinese Herbal Medicine

We use over 7,000 medical herbs and spices with over 100,000 formulas passed down through generations – find out more how Chinese Herbal remedies are customized just for your body and illnesses

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Fertility Acupuncture

One of our specialties is integrative reproductive medicine, including fertility, pregnancy, and women’s wellness care. Acupuncture can be used alone or in conjunction with IUI or IVF, to improve fertility and increase the chance of a successful pregnancy.

It's Time to Live Your Better Life.. Even More Better