
3 Reasons Why Acupuncture is Better Than Pain Pills

I know you think this is going to be a sales pitch, but if you know us, that’s not the case. But we believe in sharing the actual FACTS and the TRUTH! If you’re using Pain Pills for your pain management needs? Well, you’re certainly not alone. 

The Opioid Crisis vs. Acupuncture

First, opioid prescriptions are out of control, addictive, and have many side effects. So, what’s a better alternative? Let’s talk about the merits of Acupuncture vs. pain pills. Acupuncture is a safer and more effective approach to pain relief. It’s not just a trend; it’s a healthcare revolution backed by functional medicine. Acupuncture not only relieves pain but balances your emotional well-being.

Reason 1 – No Side Effects & Why It Matters

One of the most influential advantages of Acupuncture is the scarcity of side effects, unlike pain medications. Drowsiness, nausea, gut issues, liver issues, and, believe me, I could go on…scientific research supports. The absence of side effects also means that Acupuncture can be safely merged with other forms of treatment, offering a multi-faceted approach to pain management.

Reason 2 – Targets the Root Cause with a Holistic Approach

Why this matters is because Acupuncture does not mask symptoms, it seeks to resolve the root cause of your pain. It is a long-term solution, not a coverup, which is what pain pills are! A study in the Journal of Pain showed that Acupuncture could reduce chronic pain by up to 50%. Unlike pain pills, which offer temporary relief, Acupuncture aims to heal the underlying imbalances in your body that contribute to your pain. 

Acupuncture also delivers more than just physical relief; it’s a holistic approach that improves your emotional well-being, like stress, anxiety, and depression. Acupuncture offers a more comprehensive long-term approach to health and well-being by treating the whole person rather than just isolated symptoms.

Reason 3 – Cost-Effectiveness, Accessibility and Convenience

While a bottle of pills might appear cheaper initially, the long-term costs can be surprising. Acupuncture can be more cost-effective, especially if it’s covered by insurance. Consider the frequent doctor visits, ongoing prescriptions, and possible addiction treatment costs that can come with relying on pain pills. Acupuncture, however, often requires fewer sessions to achieve lasting relief, especially chronic pain issues and migraines, making it a way better choice in the long run.

One of our Recent Testimonials

“I believe that Jasmine saved my life, or at the very least, my quality of life. I was suffering from severe covid-vaccine-injuries that was causing significant inflammation all over my body, primarily in my heart, lungs, and liver, to the point where I was at a high risk of having a heart attack or stroke. I was having irregular heartbeats, heart-pounding episodes, dizziness, circulation issues, and brain fog, among other symptoms, every single day. Jasmine’s treatments and detox protocol have helped me get my life back. I’ll be a patient here forever.

Thank you, Dr Jasmine, for everything!

Please consider scheduling an appointment;

Our #1 Goal is to help you “Take Back Your Health.” As an advanced Acupuncture and Functional Medicine practice, we have treated thousands of complex issues over the last decade like chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, eczema, heavy metal toxicity, mold exposure, gut issues, autism, Epstein-Barr, viral infections, heart palpitations, thyroid issues, long COVID, VAXXxx injuries, brain fog, neuropathy, restless leg syndrome, parasite detox, etc. Not to mention the basic things like lower back, neck, sciatica issues, nerve & joint pain, allergies, fertility & infertility, women’s health & hormone issues, headaches & migraines. Let’s not forget stress, anxiety & depression issues. Who doesn’t have those these days? Call us…you won’t be sorry!

i know you think this is going to be a sales pitch, but if you know us, that’s not the case, pexels pietro jeng
i know you think this is going to be a sales pitch, but if you know us, that’s not the case, placeholder