
12 Basics To Kick-Start Your Health

Hello Everyone, I’m Michael, Clinic Director here at 360 Jasmine Acupuncture & Wellness. A Client of ours came in yesterday asked me to give her some basics that she could do to recapture her health since she has been off the rails for a while. Here was my suggestion list in no particular order to her and I thought I would share it with all of you!

The first thing is to arrange these basics with no compromise for at least 8 weeks:

  1. Poop every day. At least every other day at a minimum…You can talk about detoxing all day long, but if you’re not having daily bowel movements, you are not detoxing. Use magnesium citrate if needed.
  2. Eat only organic. No processed or packaged food. Paleo only – meat, fish, eggs, fruits, vegetables, nuts & seeds. Olive oil and butter are ok. Personally, I’m for 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body weight per day. If you use “Perfect Amino” from Body Health, count it as 30 grams of protein per ten tablets. If someone is 160 pounds, that’s 160 grams of protein daily. If they have two scoops of Perfect Amino twice a day, that’s 60 grams of equivalent protein. So, they need another 100 grams in two or three meals. There are 7 grams of protein per ounce of meat or fish. A six-ounce steak has 42 grams of protein plus two eggs (14 grams) = 56 grams of protein for that meal. Two such meals plus two servings of Perfect Amino, and you are there.
  3. Lots of clean filtered water. Aim for half an ounce per pound of body weight. 160 pounds would be 80 ounces per day as a minimum. If you sweat a lot, you will need more. Did I say lots of water!
  4. Some form of daily exercise – walking, hiking, weightlifting, running (not a big fan), swimming, biking, etc., outside in the sun, at least 30 minutes per day. The exercise should make you sweat and get you out of breath. It’s work!
  5. Add a sauna 3-4 times a week (if available) for 20-30 minutes.
  6. Epsom salt baths nightly for 30 minutes. This is not just for relaxation but detoxing.
  7. Get tested for the key vitamins your body is deficient in BodyHealth supplements: PerfectAmino 10 grams twice a day, Viatamins B-C-D-E, fish oil, POSTbiotic, bioclear, greens, KA’CHAVA. 
  8. Do Wim Hof breathing and cold challenge every day on a gradient you can take. See his videos: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=wim+hot.
  9. Get to bed early and get up early. Lights out by 10 pm. Most people need 6-8 hours of sleep, and 10-2 is prime healing and repair hours. Sleep is essential, and make sure the room is dark, no light. Don’t think you don’t need it. Lights out by 10. 
  10. No Electronics...You need to leave your cell phone in another room, not the room your sleeping in, and highly recommend you turn off your WiFi or Alexa as well.
  11. Find a reason (or many) to thrive and be well. Write down your action plan to get those things done in the next week or so, and most importantly, what you will do today to move that forward. It’s a daily action plan. For example, if I want to lose 20 pounds in the next 15 weeks as a part of your plan. That’s less than 1.5 pounds per week. Totally doable! Eat only 1800 calories daily except for Sundays when you can eat whatever you want (Organic, not Crap). Keep carbs under 50 grams per day except Sunday, which is a splurge day. Eat 160 grams of protein per day, including PA (Perfect Aminos). Exercise 5-6 days a week, weights 3 days and walk/ride 3 days. 
  12. Daily walk your dog for 20 minutes in am and after dinner. I read 30 minutes of leisure before bed/then review the day’s victories and tune where things could have been done better. Up at 5:30-6 am do your breathing and read your daily goals list. 

I told her – hear is Your goal for tomorrow: go walk/run 40 minutes, (personally not a big runner bad on the knees, but I get it good for some people) skip breakfast, and for lunch eat steak and eggs with sliced tomatoes and olive oil, grilled asparagus; for dinner a large salad with avocado, blackberries, sliced almonds, 8-ounce grilled grouper steak, and some steamed broccoli, (ORGANIC) and keto ice cream for dessert. Doesn’t sound too bad does it?

So, you just need to start and DO IT just create the plan and check off your boxes during the day. This is how it gets done day by day.

The key is if you do these things for just 60 days, hopefully they will become a habit. Successful people have successful habits. No one can help the undisciplined. By adding things to your lifestyle, you will significantly improve your health and life longevity. 

Believe me! It’s the truth. It’s the secret to a happy healthy life. You are the solution! So please Start Now while you still can! Longer you delay the harder it becomes and being PROACTIVE is always better than being reactive and having to deal with cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure and many more.

I hope this helps.

Stay Healthy…Pray Strong…Live Long!

The Waterboy